Lasers, related radiation sources and diagnostics at ENEA-Frascati for applications to material science, radiation hardness of materials and components
Speaker: Fabrizio Consoli (ENEA, Italy) Date: Wednesday, 20 March 2024, 4:00pm CET Register to the Talk >> This Talk is part of a series of webinars where Laserlab-Europe […]
Ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy
Zoom webinar | Youtube video Giulio Cerullo Politecnico di Milano, Italy Abstract: Ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy uses sequences of ultra-short light pulses (with femto- to picosecond duration) to […]
Unlocking Circular Economy Solutions: Industrial Access to Cutting-Edge Research Infrastructures with ReMade@ARI
Join us for an exclusive webinar tailored for industry professionals and academic institutions seeking innovative solutions in the realm of circular economy. Explore the vast potential of ReMade@ARI, offering access to over 50 diverse research infrastructures across Europe.
Radiation sources based on laser plasma interaction and applications in materials science
Speaker: Teresa Cebriano Ramírez (CLPU, Spain) Date: Wednesday, 17 April 2024, 4:00pm CET The CLPU operates VEGA, a multi Terawatt laser system composed by three independent and synchronized 30 fs long […]
Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance used for operando studies of Na-ion batteries
Zoom webinar | Replay on YouTube (upcoming) Matej Gabrijelčič, National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia Current research efforts in the field of energy storage are focused on finding alternatives […]
Time-resolved fluorescence imaging
Zoom webinar | Replay on Youtube Daniela Comelli, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Time-resolved fluorescence imaging is a powerful investigation method for biology and materials science. Excitation is provided by […]
Unlocking Circular Economy Solutions: Industrial Access to Cutting-Edge Research Infrastructures with ReMade@ARI
Join us for an exclusive webinar tailored for industry professionals and academic institutions seeking innovative solutions in the realm of circular economy. Explore the vast potential of ReMade@ARI, offering access to over 50 diverse research infrastructures across Europe.
Ion beam modification and synthetization of materials and surfaces for sensorics, bioapplication and photocatalysis
Zoom webinar | Replay on Youtube Anna Macková , NPI, Czech Republic Ion beam irradiation is a strong tool for intentional defect engineering in solid matter. If the transferred […]
The Circular Economy: How Raman Spectroscopy Can Help Close the Loop
Zoom webinar | Replay on Youtube Timur Nikitin CLL, Portugal In the pursuit of sustainability, the circular economy stands out as a transformative approach to resource management, aiming to […]
Materials characterization in highest magnetic fields
Zoom webinar | Youtube Replay Sven Luther HZDR, Germany In this presentation, I will discuss the characterization of materials in extremely high magnetic fields, reaching up to nearly […]
Multiscale structural characterization by scanning SWAXS imaging
Zoom webinar | Replay on Youtube Kim Nygård, MAX IV, Sweden Small- and wide-angle x-ray scattering (SWAXS) in scanning-imaging mode provides means to locally characterise the nanoscale structure of […]
Workshop on advanced X-ray techniques for studying biobased materials for circular economy
MAX IV Laboratory, Fotongatan 2, 224 84 Lund SwedenWe are excited to announce the workshop on advanced X-ray techniques for studying biobased materials for circular economy organized by ReMade@ARI in collaboration with the Treesearch initiative. The workshop is […]
Hyperspectral Imaging and microscopy
Zoom webinar | Replay on Youtube Cristian Manzoni, IFN-CNR & Polimi, Italy Spectral imaging, also known as imaging spectroscopy, refers to methods and devices for acquiring a complete light […]
New Avenues for Molecular Architectures’ Manipulation and Controlling Chemical Reactivity: Vibrationally Induced and Quantum Mechanical Tunneling Driven Chemistry
Zoom webinar | Replay on Youtube Rui Fausto, CLL & UC, Portugal In the last decades, we have assisted to rapid progress on the use of vibrationally-induced chemistry as […]
Energy Materials in Circular Economy Meet X-rays & Neutrons
EPN science campus 71 avenue des martyrs, Grenoble, FranceWe are excited to announce the "Energy Materials in Circular Economy Meet X-rays & Neutrons" event, organized by ReMade@ARI. The conference will take place from 20th to the 22nd November […]
Exploring catalytic reactions from the ensemble average to the single particle limit using X-rays and scanning probe microscopy
Zoom webinar Andreas Stierle, Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron DESY and Universität Hamburg Oxide supported metal nanoparticles play a crucial role as heterogeneous catalysts for many reactions. In conventional x-ray diffraction […]
Swift heavy ion irradiation puts InGaN/GaN multi-quantum wells on the way for efficient green light emission
Zoom webinar | Replay on Youtube Mamour Sall, CIMAP (CEA, CNRS, ENSICAEN, Univ. Caen), France The nitride semiconductors, (Al,Ga,In) N present remarkable optical and electronic properties. They have been […]
X-ray absorption spectroscopy under industrial conditions
Zoom webinar | Replay on Youtube Aram Bugaev Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is a well-recognized technique for investigating the atomic and electronic structure of functional materials. […]
HERCULES European School 2025: Neutrons and synchrotron radiation for science
Grenoble, FranceHERCULES EUROPEAN SCHOOL is a five weeks course coordinated by the Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA). The school provides training for students, postdoctoral and senior scientists from European and non-European universities and laboratories, […]
Quasielastic neutron scattering and an example of oxide ion diffusion in a solid electrolyte
Zoom webinar | Replay on Youtube (soon) Bettina Schwaighofer, Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL)