Workshop on advanced X-ray techniques for studying biobased materials for circular economy
MAX IV Laboratory, Fotongatan 2, 224 84 Lund SwedenWe are excited to announce the workshop on advanced X-ray techniques for studying biobased materials for circular economy organized by ReMade@ARI in collaboration with the Treesearch initiative. The workshop is …
Hyperspectral Imaging and microscopy
Zoom webinar | Replay on Youtube (upcoming) Cristian Manzoni, IFN-CNR & Polimi, Italy Spectral imaging, also known as imaging spectroscopy, refers to methods and devices for acquiring a complete …
New Avenues for Molecular Architectures’ Manipulation and Controlling Chemical Reactivity: Vibrationally Induced and Quantum Mechanical Tunneling Driven Chemistry
Zoom webinar | Live stream on Youtube Rui Fausto, CLL & UC, Portugal
Energy Materials in Circular Economy Meet X-rays & Neutrons
EPN science campus 71 avenue des martyrs, Grenoble, FranceWe are excited to announce the "Energy Materials in Circular Economy Meet X-rays & Neutrons" event, organized by ReMade@ARI. The conference will take place from 20th to the 22nd November …
Energy Materials in Circular Economy Meet X-rays & Neutrons Read More »
Exploring catalytic reactions from the ensemble average to the single particle limit using X-rays and scanning probe microscopy
Zoom webinar | Replay on Youtube (upcoming) Andreas Stierle, UH & DESY, Germany
Polymer under ionizing radiation : an evolution towards recycling
Zoom webinar | Replay on Youtube (upcoming) Yvette Ngono-Ravache, CIMAP Caen, France
HERCULES European School 2025: Neutrons and synchrotron radiation for science
Grenoble, FranceHERCULES EUROPEAN SCHOOL is a five weeks course coordinated by the Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA). The school provides training for students, postdoctoral and senior scientists from European and non-European universities and laboratories, …
HERCULES European School 2025: Neutrons and synchrotron radiation for science Read More »