Neutron spectroscopy studies of hydrogen and oxygen diffusion in energy materials
Zoom webinar | Live stream on Youtube Peter Fouquet Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), Grenoble, France The European Neutron Source The development of new materials for “green” energy production and storage is a key activity for the progression towards a circular economy. Neutron spectroscopy provides an ideal supporting tool for this development, because neutrons are […]
Lasers, related radiation sources and diagnostics at ENEA-Frascati for applications to material science, radiation hardness of materials and components
Speaker: Fabrizio Consoli (ENEA, Italy) Date: Wednesday, 20 March 2024, 4:00pm CET Register to the Talk >> Â This Talk is part of a series of webinars where Laserlab-Europe members introduce their techniques available to academic and industry users in the field of recyclable materials. Transnational Access is provided to international scientists to more […]
Ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy
Zoom webinar | Youtube video Giulio Cerullo Politecnico di Milano, Italy Abstract: Â Ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy uses sequences of ultra-short light pulses (with femto- to picosecond duration) to study dynamical processes in atoms, molecules, nanostructures and solids by measuring the photoinduced variations of sample absorption. This technique finds broad interdisciplinary applications ranging from […]
Unlocking Circular Economy Solutions: Industrial Access to Cutting-Edge Research Infrastructures with ReMade@ARI
Join us for an exclusive webinar tailored for industry professionals and academic institutions seeking innovative solutions in the realm of circular economy. Explore the vast potential of ReMade@ARI, offering access to over 50 diverse research infrastructures across Europe.
Radiation sources based on laser plasma interaction and applications in materials science
Speaker:Â Teresa Cebriano RamĂrez (CLPU, Spain) Date: Wednesday, 17 April 2024, 4:00pm CET The CLPU operates VEGA, a multi Terawatt laser system composed by three independent and synchronized 30 fs long pulses: VEGA-3 of 1 PW (at 1Hz), VEGA- 2 of 200 TW and VEGA-1 of 20 TW (both up to 10 Hz). The interaction of […]
Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance used for operando studies of Na-ion batteries
Zoom webinar | Replay on YouTube (upcoming) Matej GabrijelÄŤiÄŤ, National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia Current research efforts in the field of energy storage are focused on finding alternatives to lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). Among these are sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) due to the high availability of sodium, its low cost, and suitable redox potential. Hard […]
Time-resolved fluorescence imaging
Zoom webinar | Replay on Youtube Daniela Comelli, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Time-resolved fluorescence imaging is a powerful investigation method for biology and materials science. Excitation is provided by a pulsed laser, while point detectors (e.g. PMT or SPAD) or gated cameras can be used to measure the temporal decay of emission at all […]
Unlocking Circular Economy Solutions: Industrial Access to Cutting-Edge Research Infrastructures with ReMade@ARI
Join us for an exclusive webinar tailored for industry professionals and academic institutions seeking innovative solutions in the realm of circular economy. Explore the vast potential of ReMade@ARI, offering access to over 50 diverse research infrastructures across Europe.
Ion beam modification and synthetization of materials and surfaces for sensorics, bioapplication and photocatalysis
Zoom webinar | Replay on Youtube Anna Macková , NPI, Czech Republic Ion beam irradiation is a strong tool for intentional defect engineering in solid matter. If the transferred ion energy exceeds a certain threshold energy, then the atom may be permanently removed from the lattice, which leads to the formation of a defect. […]
The Circular Economy: How Raman Spectroscopy Can Help Close the Loop
Zoom webinar | Replay on Youtube Timur Nikitin CLL, Portugal In the pursuit of sustainability, the circular economy stands out as a transformative approach to resource management, aiming to minimize waste and maximize material reuse. Raman spectroscopy, a non-destructive and versatile technique, offers valuable structural insights across a plethora of materials. This presentation will […]
Materials characterization in highest magnetic fields
Zoom webinar | Youtube Replay Sven Luther HZDR, Germany In this presentation, I will discuss the characterization of materials in extremely high magnetic fields, reaching up to nearly 100 T. The first part of the talk will address the technical challenges associated with generating such high magnetic fields. Within the ReMade@ARI project, two […]
Multiscale structural characterization by scanning SWAXS imaging
Zoom webinar | Replay on Youtube Kim NygĂĄrd, MAX IV, Sweden Small- and wide-angle x-ray scattering (SWAXS) in scanning-imaging mode provides means to locally characterise the nanoscale structure of materials over macroscopic volumes. Here we will introduce the technique, provide a few illustrative examples, and discuss challenges for new users of the technique.
Workshop on advanced X-ray techniques for studying biobased materials for circular economy
MAX IV Laboratory, Fotongatan 2, 224 84 Lund SwedenWe are excited to announce the workshop on advanced X-ray techniques for studying biobased materials for circular economy organized by ReMade@ARI in collaboration with the Treesearch initiative. The workshop is hosted at the ForMAX beamline at MAX IV (Lund, Sweden) from 25th to 26th September 2024. This event represents a great opportunity to learn more […]
Hyperspectral Imaging and microscopy
Zoom webinar | Replay on Youtube Cristian Manzoni, IFN-CNR & Polimi, Italy Spectral imaging, also known as imaging spectroscopy, refers to methods and devices for acquiring a complete light spectrum for each point in the image of a scene. It provides much richer information with respect to standard imaging, enabling to identify materials or […]
New Avenues for Molecular Architectures’ Manipulation and Controlling Chemical Reactivity: Vibrationally Induced and Quantum Mechanical Tunneling Driven Chemistry
Zoom webinar | Replay on Youtube Rui Fausto, CLL & UC, Portugal In the last decades, we have assisted to rapid progress on the use of vibrationally-induced chemistry as a powerful tool to manipulate molecular structures in a highly selective way, and on the application of quantum mechanical tunneling as an instrument to explore […]
Energy Materials in Circular Economy Meet X-rays & Neutrons
EPN science campus 71 avenue des martyrs, Grenoble, FranceWe are excited to announce the "Energy Materials in Circular Economy Meet X-rays & Neutrons" event, organized by ReMade@ARI. The conference will take place from 20th to the 22nd November 2024 at the ESRF in Grenoble, France. This event is organized jointly by the ESRF, ILL, and PSI, and aims to bring together users of […]
Exploring catalytic reactions from the ensemble average to the single particle limit using X-rays and scanning probe microscopy
Zoom webinar Andreas Stierle, Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron DESY and Universität Hamburg Oxide supported metal nanoparticles play a crucial role as heterogeneous catalysts for many reactions. In conventional x-ray diffraction (XRD) experiments on powder samples the structural analysis is hampered by a random nanoparticle orientation and often by background scattering from the supporting material. We […]
Swift heavy ion irradiation puts InGaN/GaN multi-quantum wells on the way for efficient green light emission
Zoom webinar | Replay on Youtube Mamour Sall, CIMAP (CEA, CNRS, ENSICAEN, Univ. Caen), France The nitride semiconductors, (Al,Ga,In) N present remarkable optical and electronic properties. They have been widely used for optoelectronic applications with high-efficiency blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs) based on InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well (MQW) structures . Emission at higher wavelength, for […]
X-ray absorption spectroscopy under industrial conditions
Zoom webinar | Replay on Youtube Aram Bugaev Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is a well-recognized technique for investigating the atomic and electronic structure of functional materials. This is especially important for catalysis, essential for a significant portion of industrial-scale chemical reactions, where understanding the structure of active catalytic sites and their […]
Quasielastic neutron scattering and an example of oxide ion diffusion in a solid electrolyte
Zoom webinar | Replay on Youtube (soon) Bettina Schwaighofer, Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) Quasielastic neutron scattering (QENS) is a powerful technique for probing atomic and molecular motion on nanosecond to picosecond timescales. In many energy materials, for example batteries and fuel cells, understanding ionic migration and conduction pathways is crucial for optimising performance. QENS can provide […]